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Causality and Intervention in the Spin-Echo Experiments
causality irreversibility interventionism and explanatory depth causalidad irreversibilidad intervencionismo profundidad explicativa
In the so-called “Spin-Echo Experiments” the behaviour of a spin’s system seems to violate the second law of thermodynamics. For this reason the “Spin-Echo Experiments” are considered of particular in...
Interventions and Causality in Quantum Mechanics
Causal Inference EPR correlations Causal Markov Condition Interventions philosophy of quantum mechanics
I argue that the Causal Markov Condition (CMC) is in principle applicable to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) correlations. This is in line with my defence in the past of the applicability of the Pri...
Kantian Causality and Quantum Quarks:The Compatibility between Quantum Mechanics and Kant’s Phenomenal World
Kant quantum theory Copenhagen interpretation indeterminism perspectives law of causality transcendental idealism teoría cuantica interpretación de Copenhague indeterminismo perspectivas ley de causalidad idealismo trascendental
Quantum indeterminism seems incompatible with Kant’s defense of causality in his Second Analogy.The Copenhagen interpretation also takes quantum theory as evidence for anti-realism. This article argue...
Causality and Chance in Relativistic Quantum Field Theories
Local causality Microcausality Bell correlations Relativistic quantum field theories Pragmatist interpretation Causal intervention
Bell appealed to the theory of relativity in formulating his principle of local causality. But he maintained that quantum field theories do not conform to that principle, even when their field equatio...
Quantum Superpositions and Causality:On the Multiple Paths to the Measurement Result
quantum superposition causality measurement problem
The following analysis attempts to provide a general account of the multiple solutions given to the quantum measurement problem in terms of causality. Leaving aside instrumentalism which restricts its...
Absolute Simultaneity and the Principle of Stable Causality
Presentism special relativity philosophy of time relativity of simultaneity
Einsteins relativity of simultaneity had a deep impact on the pilosophy of time. A first conclusion is that there is no such thing as absolute time.Furthermore according to relativity of simultaneity ...
Distinguishing causality principles
Common Cause Principle Localizability Algebraic quantum field theory
We distinguish two sub-types of each of the two causality principles formulated in connection with the Common Cause Principle in Henson (2005) and raise and investigate the problem of logical relation...
Causality and Explanation in the Sciences
causality explanation sciences causalidad explicación ciencias
Editors’ introduction to the special issue on the Causality and Explanation in the Sciences conference, held at the University of Ghent in September 2011.Presentación del número monográfico sobre el c...
Causal explanation beyond the gene: manipulation and causality in epigenetics
causation explanation intervention epigenetics methodology observational studies causalidad explicación intervención epigenética metodología estudios observacionales
This paper deals with the interrelationship between causal explanation and methodology in a relatively young discipline in biology: epigenetics. Based on cases from molecular and ecological epigenetic...
Semiparametric Causality Tests Using the Policy Propensity Score
Potential outcomes conditional independence
Time series data are widely used to explore causal relationships, typically in a regression
framework with lagged dependent variables. Regression-based causality tests rely on an
array of functional...
Concurrent eruptions at Etna, Stromboli, and Vulcano: casualty or causality?
Etna Stromboli Vulcano eruption earthquake
Anecdotes of concurrent eruptions at Etna, Stromboli, and Vulcano (Southern Italy) have persisted for more than 2000 years and volcanologists in recent and past times have hypothesized a causal link a...
Realistic description of causality in truly complex hierarchical structures
Unreduced dynamic complexity universal science of complexity emergent consciousness causally complete knowledge
In his recent essay article entitled "Physics, Complexity and Causality" (Nature 435, 743; 2005) George Ellis states that despite well-known successes of physics "we still do not have a realistic desc...
The time course of the use of implicit causality information in the processing of pronouns: A visual world paradigm study
Language comprehension Visual world paradigm
Several theoretical accounts have been proposed with respect to the issue how quickly the
implicit causality verb bias affects the understanding of sentences such as ‘‘John beat Pete
at the tennis m...
Much work in psycholinguistics and social psychology has investigated the notion of implicit causality associated with verbs. Crinean and Garnham (2006) relate implicit causality to another phenomenon...
Social Science Methods for Twins Data: Integrating Causality, Endowments and Heritability
Causality Danish Twin Registry Genetic endowments Heritability Methods Minnesota Twins Registry Twins
Twins have been extensively used in both economic and behavioral genetics to investigate the role of genetic endowments on a broad range of social, demographic and economic outcomes. However, the focu...