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华中农业大学公共管理学院开设“Public Policy in Stories. Stories in Public Policy”暑期全英文课程(图)
华中农业大学 公共管理学院 暑期全英文课程
2022年8月15日至31日,香港教育大学亚洲及政策研究学系副教授(长聘)、副系主任,新加坡国立大学李光耀公共政策学院公共政策博士和经纬老师以“Public Policy in Stories. Stories in Public Policy”为主题,为华中农业大学公共管理学院学生开设了暑期全英文课程。和经纬老师主要研究专长为医疗卫生政策、社会政策改革和公共政策分析,尤其关注东亚地区的政策改革。...
Content-Based Tools for Editing Audio Stories
Audio editing storytelling transcript-based editing music browsing music retargeting
Audio stories are an engaging form of communication that
combine speech and music into compelling narratives. Existing
audio editing tools force story producers to manipulate
speech and music track...
Audio producers often use musical underlays to emphasize
key moments in spoken content and give listeners time to re-
flect on what was said. Yet, creating such underlays is timeconsuming
as produc...
Generating Emotionally Relevant Musical Scores for Audio Stories
Audio stories storytelling musical scores music retargeting
Highly-produced audio stories often include musical scores
that reflect the emotions of the speech. Yet, creating effective
musical scores requires deep expertise in sound production
and is time-co...
One definition of an educated person is the ability to get outside of our own ways of thinking.
The Gender Paradox and Stories from the Edge of Living
suicide gender paradox of suicidal behaviour ethnography narratives cultural scripts lethality socialisation ‘numbness’ and ‘rassell’
In most countries where there has been a developed epidemiological interest in suicidal behaviour, there exists a gender paradox, where male rates of suicide exceed those of their female counterparts....
Stories of Supporting Constructivist Pedagogy Through Community
Stories of Supporting Constructivist Pedagogy Community
The conceptualization of professional development for educators is shifting from the prevalence of one-shot, quick-fix activities to a lifelong continuum of meaningful experiences, both within and out...
Silent Voices, Silent Stories: Japanese Canadians in Social Studies Textbooks
Silent Voices Silent Stories
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the importance of reading social studies textbooks through a critical lens. Students and teachers who engage in critical interrogation of texts will broade...
Summarizing Short Stories
Stories information
We present an approach to the automatic creation of extractive summaries of literary short
stories. The summaries are produced with a specific objective in mind: to help a reader decide
Amazing Sea Stories II
Amazing Sea Stories
Since Roger Larson passed away earlier this year, I've repeatedly read his preface to ODP's Greatest Hits (July 1997), an abstract volume that collected the cutting-edge science that the Ocean Drillin...
Pukarrikarta-jangka muwarr–Stories about caring for Karajarri country
Pukarrikarta-jangka muwarr Stories caring Karajarri country
I am a Karajarri woman from Bidyadanga community in Western Australia. As a researcher at the Nulungu Research Institute, located at the Yawuru buru (Broome) campus, of the University of Notre Dame Au...
Richard Stanley writes with a clarity and originality that makes those of us in his orbit happy we can appreciate and apply his mathematics. One thing missing (for me) is the stories that gave rise to...
Stories and Challenges of Genome Wide Association Studies in Livestock — A Review
QTL Livestock Genome-wide Association
Undoubtedly livestock is one of the major contributors to the economy of any country. The economic value of livestock includes meat, dairy products, fiber, fertilizer etc. Understanding and identifyin...
Double Visions--Separating Gordon Lish's Edits from Raymond Carver's Original Authorship in Three Stories
Raymond Carver's Authorship Gordon Lish's Edits
In 1998, D.T. Max wrote his article, “The Carver Chronicles,” about the manuscripts Gordon Lish sold to the Lilly Library at Indiana University. The public was made aware of Lish’s heavy editing of Ra...
How Do We Keep a Distance from Our Subjects, While Creating In-Depth Stories?
Our Subjects Distance from
Goma Rai was sold into prostitution in Bombay when she was thirteen years old. She was raped and brutalized and endured situations many of us only see in our nightmares. She escaped this life, but...