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2024年5月7日,中国农业大学园艺学院林涛团队联合天津市农业科学院花椰菜育种创新团队与农业基因组学孙德岭和陈锐团队,在国际著名期刊《Nature Genetics》上发表了花椰菜的最新科研成果Genomic analyses reveal the stepwise domestication and genetic mechanism of curd biogenesis in cauliflo...
近日,广东省农业科学院作物研究所花生研究团队通过大规模的花生种质资源群体基因组重测序,阐明了中国花生的引进与传播途径,解析了花生重要农艺性状遗传变异,揭示了花生遗传改良的分子机制,提出了深入理解花生遗传多样性和传播演化进程的重要线索,为全球花生研究提供丰富的基因组数据资源。相关研究成果以“A genomic variation map provides insights into peanut d...
2023年8月3日,扬州大学植物保护学院王建军教授课题组在自然指数期刊PLoS Genetics在线发表了题为“Restoration of energy homeostasis under oxidative stress: Duo synergistic AMPK pathways regulating arginine kinases”的研究论文。该研究首次揭示了氧化应激条件下恢复能量稳态的...
Nature Genetics|中国农业大学农学院赖锦盛教授团队发表全基因组所有染色体端粒到端粒完整无间隙玉米基因组组装(图)
全基因组 染色体端粒 端粒完整 无间隙 玉米 基因组组装
2023年6月15日,中国农业大学农学院、国家玉米改良中心、玉米生物育种全国重点实验室赖锦盛教授团队以题为“A complete telomere-to-telomere assembly of the maize genome”在国际知名期刊Nature Genetics《自然·遗传学》上在线发表了玉米全基因组所有染色体端粒到端粒完整无间隙组装结果,在复杂动植物基因组中第一个实现真正意义上的全基...
2022年4月25日,浙江大学遗传学研究所管敏鑫教授课题组在国际权威学术期刊《人类分子遗传学》(Human Molecular Genetics)在线发表聋相关基因编辑结合干细胞技术的最新研究成果,该研究通过CRISPR/Cas9 基因编辑技术对线粒体修饰基因突变进行遗传矫正,在内耳毛细胞样细胞中实现听觉功能重塑,为耳聋的基因治疗带来“新的曙光”,是领域内的重要突破。
Coral reefs are dying at an alarming rate as water temperatures rise worldwide as a result of climate change, pollution and human activities. In the last three decades, for example, half of Australia'...
Genetics help fish thrive in toxic environments,collaborative study finds
Genetics fish thrive toxic environments collaborative study
They live in caves and springs throughout Mexico and thrive in water so toxic that most forms of life die within minutes.Meet the Atlantic molly – an extremophile fish that lives in toxic water full o...
Fruit Fly Genetics Reveal Pesticide Resistance and Insight Into Cancer
Fruit Fly Genetics Pesticide Resistance Insight Into Cancer
For being so small, fruit flies have had a large impact on genetic research. Thomas Werner, an assistant professor of biological sciences at Michigan Technological University, has bridged the min...
A worldwide consortium of medical researchers and social scientists has found tiny changes to a person's genetic sequence are associated with educational level.
Chicago Cancer Genome Project studies genetics of 1,000 tumors
Chicago Cancer Genome Project genetics 1,000 tumors
No two tumors are alike, but analyzing the genetics of cancers from different parts of the body may reveal surprising details useful for treatment and prevention. That process is already gaining tract...